Essential Rights And Responsibilities About Tree Trimming One Must Know

Trees near property lines are a major cause of dispute and confusion. The problem becomes grave when its branches are overhanging over your property and you don’t know what to do about it. Shall you call the best tree trimming service in Buffalo? Or shall you ask your neighbors to take care of it?

Well, there are certain rights and responsibilities when it comes to tree pruning branches extending beyond or over your property. But before that, it is quintessential to establish the ownership of the tree. Let’s go over it in detail!

Tree Trimming
Tree Trimming

Tree Ownership

No matter where the tree branches are hanging, it is the tree owner on whose property the tree trunk resides. If the trunk is on your property, you are the owner and if the trunk is present in the neighbor’s yard, he is the owner. In case the tree is planted on the boundary line between the two properties, both owners will be responsible for the tree trimming service.

Your Responsibilities

If a tree on your property hangs over the boundary line of your neighbor, it’s your responsibility to get a tree trimming service. You must address and take care of its weak and damaged branches from time to time. 

In case a damaged or weak branch you failed to trim falls onto the adjoining property, you can be legally sued. The neighbor can hold you responsible if the tree limb damages or falls upon their land, people, or pets. 

However, note that you cannot be held responsible for tree debris falling into your neighbor’s property. This includes seeds, leaves, and acorns. Your neighbor will be responsible for the cleanup of those things.

Your Rights

Although you have the responsibility for the tree trimming service of your trees, you also have certain ownership over it. This tree proprietorship gives you certain rights. 

Your neighbor has a right to trim back all branches of your tree that extends onto his property line. But he does not have the right to come over to your property and demand to trim the tree unless you permit him. 

As a tree owner, you also have the responsibility regarding tree maintenance. You can demand from the neighbor that any work he does on your tree on his side of the property does not damage or destroy the tree.

Make Sure To Maintain Neighborly Relations

If you see that your tree is overhanging on your neighbor’s property, approach your neighbor to discuss the matter. Offer tree trimming service so that the limbs don’t create a nuisance for them. Obtain their permission to avoid any legal conflicts later on.

Avoid Neighborly Disputes By Hiring The Best Tree Trimming Company Buffalo NY

If you are afraid of ending up in legal troubles over tree trimming work, it is recommended to hire professionals like Tree Soldiers. They preempt any problems by obtaining your neighbor’s consent before starting on the trimming work. 

Connect with a tree trimming company today!


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